Friday, May 6, 2016

Making Mistakes Is Completely Alright

Everybody makes mistakes. It is part of our human nature. We make them almost every single day, if not every day. People will condemn us for making those mistakes, but they never see that everybody makes them. Also how it is alright to make those mistakes. Making mistakes helps us learn from them that way we never make them ever again. Whenever we see that mistake almost happen. We end up stopping ourselves and taking a detour around that mistake. I learned a lot from mistakes I have made in the past. Mistakes made recently I am in the process of learning from. Even my fiancee gets frustrated at the little things I do, but knows it is pointless because even he makes mistakes too. He is still working on himself, and I am working on myself as well. The only way to do this is by accepting who we are, and how we have acted.

Never go make a mistake on purpose then telling the one you care about "You have hurt me too..." Just because someone didn't mean to hurt you doesn't mean you go out hurting them just as bad. That isn't how you learn from mistakes. If you have a hard time learning from your mistakes. Really take the time to look at what you did, how you did it, then apply what you learned to when that scenario pops up again.

It takes a good bit of discipline, but I know anybody can do it. I know I can do it too, I know my fiancee can do it as well.

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